
The Mission Of The Foundation:

In accordance with the ``Millennium Development Goals``

announced at the UN Summit in 2000, the Ilyas Afandiyev International Foundation pays a special attention to the problems of sustainable development of the society in different countries in the following areas:

  • peace, security, international and regional cooperation;
  • culture , education and science;
  • public health and welfare;
  • democratization of society;
  • justice and Human Rights;

Our Goals

Promotion worldwide humanistic ideas
Active dialogue with the governments, political and public figures
Formation of a new humanitarian image of the countries
International network of non-governmental organizations

The main principles of our activity are the following:

Firstly, we have developed our activities in a rather wide range of areas: peace and security, international and regional cooperation, culture, education and science, public health and social security, democratization of society, justice and human rights, economic development and the country’s infrastructure, improvement the lives of people in marginalized communities, etc.

Secondly, it has been made an important intellectual and organizational breakthrough in the preparation of complex and specific projects aimed at implementing the principles of sustainable development in the countries of  Europe, Asia, the Caucasus, the Muslim world, the participation in solving their humanitarian problems in education, culture, public health, social and other areas.

Thirdly, the Foundation has close ties to state and political elites and business communities worldwide. It allows the Ilyas Afandiyev International Foundation to participate really in solving a broad spectrum of socio-humanitarian and other problems in these countries.

Fourthly, radically changed the philosophy of  fundraising, the Foundation itself takes the part of an Investor today. It allows the Foundation to carry out the implementation of  large-scale humanitarian projects in several countries in Eastern Europe and Asia: from conceptual development of the Project, to coordination it with the state powers, until self- financing.

Broad international support, large-scale social and humanitarian projects in demand around the world, active financial and investment consulting – that is the formula for successful movement of the Foundation to the accomplishment of  its mission.


If you are interested in our activities and you have offers of mutually beneficial cooperation, we will be happy to hear from you.

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